Thursday, March 5, 2020

Instagrammers asked their observers to finance the trip

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A pair of Instagrammers organized a fundraiser and asked their recipients to finance a trip from Germany to Africa.
Catalin Onc and Elena Engelhardt, who runs the @Another Beautiful Day profile on Instagram, caused a lot of negative emotions among their recipients. And all because they asked the users of the social medium to finance their trip.

Instagram request

The couple, who are currently being watched on Instagram by over 46,000 users, lost several thousand fans and the respect of many recipients. Why? They asked to raise 10,000 euros using GoFoundMe for bicycles, transport, accommodation, food, SIM cards, internet and other necessary things for a holiday trip in a bicycle tandem from Germany to Africa.
They pointed out that during the trip planned for July they want to take all their observers on an adventure and by traveling in the mountains, by the sea, and around the cities will show the beauty of this planet and its inhabitants.
What's more, as the creators declared Instagram, the trip would raise awareness about mental illness.  Their observers questioned how this would happen and they do not see the connection. There were also voices that the venture seems to be simply an adventure and an expedition for themselves, which has no significant impact on helping other people.
The request of travelers who were so far included after Indonesia, Italy, France, and Australia, she was argued that Catalin's mother works in two positions to help them live a travel lifestyle, but they can't afford the expense.
Such information caused a wave of criticism. Especially that they emphasized that they could be models and earn money quickly, but they do not want to advertise consumerism, and normal work at this point would be harmful.

Response to user response

On Wednesday, a slightly different photograph and post appeared on the profile of German artists in which the couple declared a break from social mediaCertainly, it is related to the reaction of users to fundraising. The recipients advised the couple to try to go to a job interview or to observe, in Africa, who really needs the organization of funds or go with
These types of situations raise many questions about how and for what purposes web creators are using their influence on users.